Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A good Wednesday... so far

We are almost to our halfway point for camp. It is going swimmingly.. speaking of which, pool day was a blast. Doug Dunton took the top score of a perfect 10 with his amazing belly flop, and also won for the biggest splash. Everyone looked like they had a blast racing their rafts, swimming hard, and generally having a nice time in the pool.

Earlier today we had another great morning of worship and learning about God's Word through the workshops. The students all moved onto their second workshop and we are hopeful they are learning lot. I've received a lot of good feedback from the leaders about the students asking some great probing questions about corporate worship, God's sovereignty over evil, and other topics of note that have been covered so far.

What has been so encouraging to me is the huge response to our challenge last week for the students to memorize Psalm 34. We have had 8 students recite the entire 22 verse Psalm so far with many more still working on it. Nice work to all (I'll have their names for you later...). It brings such joy to my heart to see and hear the students walking around campus, alone and in groups, reciting God's Word to themselves. I hope that this has lasting value in their lives.

As of this morning, blue had a commanding 20,000 point lead over everyone else. However, the recital of Psalm 34 and the pool games has again shifted everything around. I'll have an actual update this evening of the actual point totals.

Please continue praying for us. Many of the students and leaders are feeling weary from the demanding schedule and from lack of or restless sleep. I know God has been using your prayers to keep us going, and I would ask that you would be diligent in those efforts.

Tonight, Perry will continue preaching through Psalm 34. Last night was a great challenge to trust in the completeness of God's love and joy. Nothing can snatch that away. Perry told is that "Christ is not challenged (i.e. it is not challenging to him) by Satan. It is not difficult for Christ to redeem a sinner from him. Satan is merely a tool that God's uses to accomplish His will, and to ascribe him any more power is to diminish the power of Christ." That is a rough paraphrase, but you get the idea. He spoke about faith not being a moment in time, but a continuing call from Christ for perseverance and obedience. All in all, a very good and challenging message.

That's it for now. I'll be posting more pictures later this evening after the activities. Thanks for reading and I'll write more soon. Later.....


Brenda said...

Sounds like you are all having a good time. We are praying for you all. Keep memorizing Ps 34.

Ashley-Nice glasses for nerd night. You might want to consider wearing them for life guarding...

Tyler-Sorry about the dent in your car. I was trying to do a donut in the driveway. Sorry!

Love ya all,

-Ashley and Tyler's Mom

Anonymous said...

Good job everyone on Psalm 34!!! I hope that more of you get it down!! Go Blue!

Noel said...

Good job for those who said their verses! Especially Ian

Moriah said...

Did Matt Stern even dress up for Nerd night? Wait, I guess he really didn't have to change much.
Erin, Katie and Liz, don't worry - It's the inner beauty that counts.

Big Macs Dad said...

There's something "fishy" about BLUE team being in it possible the Blue Shark outfit (supplied by Yellow Team!) has provided bonus pts? Hmmmm....
GO YELLOW TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sister,
Hope your having fun! I can't wait to see you at my party on Saturday! GO YELLOW TEAM!!!!!!!!! I hope your not having too many dance parties? We have to make a trip to the FUTURE BOX when you get home!!!
Have fun!
Luv ya,

Hey Monica, and Megan!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Beautiful Ashley!
Time to spread your wings and fly to the heavens! Soar above the mountains, and walk on fire until the day we meet again saying "oops I dropped something" See you Saturday!!!!
Anna Mae, and Eckii

Anonymous said...

Our friend from Brazil TK (Tony Kannan) called and asked "Where the party people at?" The response was "Back home again in Indiana" Hope your having fun! See you Saturday.
Mom (Mrs. Lage)