Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A few more changes

After seeing the new shirts, which look great btw, we've decided to change the team colors a little. We don't want to give the red team an unfair advantage because the new shirts look pretty red. So, the team colors have been changed to Yellow, Blue, Purple, and Orange. This may make shopping a little more difficult, but I have confidence in the creativity of our students.

I've also been speaking with Perry and I believe the text for the week will be 1 Peter 2:1-12. This may change, but that is the general direction we are headed. Keep checking to see new updates. Later........

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Theme Nights, Colors, and other Misc. Items

Hello all,
Summer Camp is just one short month away. We have just a few signed up, but I'm sure more will be coming later. Here are a few updates that I can pass along.

T-shirts: the shirts are in. They are a crimson with yellow letters and have the camp logo on them. They will be available at Oasis before camp to everyone who is registered.

Theme nights: due to popular demand, we are bringing back a few classics from years past. The theme nights will be Nerd Night (Tuesday), Hick Night (Wednesday), and Food Night (Thursday Night). For food night, feel free to dress up like someone who works with food (i.e. chef, waiter), or like an item of food (i.e. raisin, steak, french fries). Bonus points to anyone who can wear the same costume all three nights and have it actually work for all three themes.

Colors: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green
-The actual team members will be announced on the Oasis before camp (June 4).

We're still putting together leaders, the band, workshops, and songs for the Lip Sync, but when I have info on that, I'll pass it along. For now, be praying for what God will do as a part of camp this year. Later...