Friday, June 19, 2009

The Final Day has come

The final day has come upon us. Last night the pew olympics went very well. No significant injuries to report. The ski race, pew toss, and pew crawl all went well. I even set a new personal best record for the pew toss with 18 pews. If that makes no sense to you, just ask your kids.

Trevor taught another convicting message, and we have a huge praise. One of our students accepted the Lord last night, just after midnight. She has been coming to our youth group for only a few months, and God worked the miracle of salvation in her heart. She comes from an unsaved family, so keep praying that she will have boldness as she returns home to a non-believing environment. Thank you again for your prayers in that area.

Today, we had our gym day. It was a ton of fun (and not in the blazing sunshine). It was pretty evenly spread throughout the teams as far as victories go, so we'll have to wait for tonight to add those points.

Tonight is the lip sync, and I have to say they all look pretty good. We also have our last session and our bonfir, so please continue in your prayers for those events. We are looking to finish strong spiritually, and we are trusting in God's strength for that.

The points listed reflect the scores as of last night, before today's games. Enjoy...

1st- Yellow 467,000

2nd- Red 465,500

3rd- Blue 451,000

4th- Green 438,000

It was a close 4-way volleyball game, but Green took it in the end

Some of the girls trying out the scooter scoot

Yellow took it for when the leaders did the name game

Everyone looked great for elderly night, even the "Seniors"

Crossing the mine field... another tough one

Listening patiently to the rules

Cooling off with the sponge squeeze

Lazer lines on field day is always fun to watch.


Kelly*aka Madison's Mom* said...

Praise God! That is really great!!

mom and dad LaSota said...

Wooo-hoooo....go Yellow!!!!!!!!!!
Now, I must apologize for getting Mr LaSotas' blog contest completely we go...
The most team blogs wins a points bonus at the end of summer camp, to add to their total....what do you think???
That makes much more sense than Mr LaSota winning a t-shirt, does'nt it? Hmmm, come to think of it, ....he has thousands of t-shirts....he says he never suggested he win anything, so,whoops,my bad,guys!
Much better. What do the leaders think of that?
(go yellow)
So, praises to God for our new believer... and all He is doing in the minds & hearts of each and every one of you during 2009 Summer Camp/Raise Your Gaze.....
we can't wait to laugh and cry when you share your stories, once home.
By the way, severe weather has ripped thru your home towns today, and has been heading your way, so prayers for your safety through the night and tomorrow....
hope Lip Sync is a blast, and to Leigh- get lots of photos, and get yourself in them, too, please- moms & dads love to see their own offspring in the shots!!!!
(go yellow)
We will pray for an incredible time of tangible,applicable,unforgettable insights into Gods'instructions in these last precious hours of camp!
Love in Christ,
Mom & Dad LaSota

All Because a Boy Met a Girl said...

So excited about this year's summer camp you guys and all the good news coming already! You all are in my prayers for safety traveling home and we all miss you tons. Enjoy your last night there and sing "God of Wonders" for me at the bonfire!

Praise be to God!